Planning Prospects Team
Planning Prospects have a team of professionally qualified planners working for the Directors of the company.

Jason Tait, MRTPI
Jason is the founding Director of Planning Prospects with over 30 years of planning experience. He advises on all aspects of planning with major on-going projects in the retail, residential, employment and leisure sectors and particular expertise in urban regeneration and mixed use development.
Jason’s expertise extends across a broad range of planning and development sectors, with extensive experience and expertise in planning and development assessment, advising on the potential of development sites together with running and managing complex teams of professional advisors in order to evaluate, respond to and deliver viable and valuable planning permissions.
Key skills:
- Planning and development advice
- Project management of multi disciplinary teams in the delivery of implementable planning permissions
- Preparation, submission and negotiation of planning permissions, listed building and conservation area consents
- Housing and Employment Land Supply Assessments
- Expert Witness (Development Plan, Section 78 Public Inquiries and Road Closure Orders)
- Planning Obligation negotiations
- Strategic Land Promotion
- Development Plan Representations and Examination Appearances
[email protected]
07771 976 797
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734091

Robert Barnes, MRTPI
Robert joined Planning Prospects in its first year. He has considerable experience in planning and development consultancy, conducting numerous projects for national, regional and local private sector clients, and Local Authorities, dealing with property and land holdings, and strategic issues, nationwide.
He has gained over 30 years of experience in planning, conducting instructions ranging from advising on major mixed use developments to town centre assessments, retail studies, investment analysis, market research, and promoting a wide variety of schemes across a range of sectors. He has successfully promoted major Industrial and Logistics schemes, including in the Green Belt.
Key skills:
- Planning strategy advice
- Project management
- Appointment and management of multi disciplinary teams
- Preparation and submission of applications across all sectors and scales of development
- Negotiation through to securing planning permissions, listed building and conservation area consents
- Retail Planning (sequential / impact tests, town centre studies, strategic advice, public sector consultancy, policy advice)
- Industrial and Logistics (strategic land promotion and managing large scale proposals)
- Expert Witness (Development Plan, CPO and Section 77 / Section 78 inquiries)
[email protected]
07881 772 275
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734092

Chris Dodds, MRTPI
Associate Director
Chris is an Associate Director of Planning Prospects and has over 15 years’ experience in planning, advising clients on all aspects including residential, retail, employment and leisure sectors, co-ordinating and submitting planning applications and planning appeals. Chris is day to day involved in justifying planning permissions whether through negotiations with Local Planning Authorities or giving Expert evidence at Planning Inquiries. His expertise has led to delivery of viable and valuable planning permissions to clients across the Country.
Key skills:
- Planning strategy advice
- Project management of multi-disciplinary teams in the delivery of implementable planning permissions
- Preparation, submission and negotiation of planning permissions, listed building and conservation area consents
- Preparation, submission and negotiation of Road Closure Orders and Environmental Impact Assessment
- Housing and Employment Land Supply Assessments
- Retail Planning (sequential / impact) Tests
- Expert Witness (Section 78 Public Inquiries and Informal Hearings)
- Planning Obligation and Conditions negotiations
[email protected]
07799 538940
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734093

Mairead Stibbs, MRTPI
Associate Director
Mairead is actively involved in a number of major projects with key clients at Planning Prospects and has made rapid progress to Associate Director since joining the Company in 2014. She is a key client contact for one of Planning Prospects major clients, working closely with them on a significant programme of developments across the region. Her experience is extensive particularly within the role of managing, preparing and co-ordinating the submission of major planning applications and negotiation of planning permissions. She is highly organised with considerable attention to detail and excellent project management skills. She manages a wide and varied caseload in different areas of planning but with a key specialism in residential and employment developments, tackling a wide range of planning issues promoting developments on a number of sites especially within the midlands, with numerous active planning applications running on a number of sites.
Key skills:
- Evaluation of development strategy options for development site
- Preparation, submission and negotiation of planning applications through to determination
- Field and desk-based research to inform evidence for planning appeals
- Representations for Development Plan Documents and Call for Sites Submissions
- Lawful implementation of Planning Permissions and Section 106 Agreements
- Strategic Land Search and Appraisals
[email protected]
07927 053183
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734094

Emma Rawson, MRTPI
Senior Planner
Emma has over 3 years’ experience working on residential, commercial, education, energy and farm diversification projects for public and private sector clients. She has expertise in the preparation of site appraisals; the preparation and submission of pre-applications and planning applications; and the management of planning conditions. Emma also has experience preparing Certificate of Lawfulness applications for cladding remediation works across England in accordance with fire regulations.
Prior to joining Planning Prospects Emma worked on the planning team for a multi-discipline property and construction consultancy.
Key skills:
- Providing planning advice
- Project management
- Preparation, submission, and negotiation of planning applications through to determination
- Field and desk-based research
- Management of multi-disciplinary teams
- Representations for Development Plan Documents and Call for Sites Submissions
[email protected]
07789 747982
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734097

Kathryn Paterson, MRTPI
Kathryn is a Planner at Planning Prospects. She previously worked for a housebuilder within the West Midlands before moving over to consultancy. This experience in the housebuilding industry has provided Kathryn with sound knowledge of the planning system and provided her with good commercial and political awareness for the planning process. With this experience, alongside organisation skills and innovative thinking, Kathryn is involved in the preparation, submission and negotiation of a range of planning applications for a variety of development schemes.
Key skills:
- Organisation and project management
- Preparation, submission and negotiation of planning applications
- Field and desk-based research
- Negotiation of planning obligations and conditions
- Strategic land search and appraisals
[email protected]
07467 958405
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734096

Greta Woolley, MCIPD
Business Manager
Greta plays a pivotal role in the efficient running of Planning Prospects as a business, having significant experience in providing focused business support to a professional office, and has worked for Planning Prospects for over 10 years. Greta’s role includes a broad range of skills from business management, client liaison and accounting as well as providing key planning support to the planning team in managing and monitoring planning applications, application consultation issues as well as positively and proactively managing planning conditions and the lawful implementation of planning permissions.
Key skills:
- Office management
- Planning administration
- Accounts / Invoicing contact and management
- Client management
- Public relations and marketing
- Planning conditions co-ordination and management
[email protected]
01562 734090
DD: 01562 734095