Land off Bretforton Road, Badsey, Evesham

Planning Prospects have secured a successful appeal decision following a Hearing for Lone Star Land against the decision of Wychavon District Council to refuse planning permission for a residential development on land off Bretforton Road, Badsey, Evesham. The main issue of the appeal was whether the location is suitable having regard to policies for development of

Dilmore Lane, Fernhill Heath

Planning Prospects acted on behalf of Lioncourt Strategic Land providing expert planning evidence at an Inquiry regarding an appeal against the decision of Wychavon District Council to refuse planning permission for a residential development at Fernhill Heath.  The main issues of the appeal concerned the location of the site outside of the development boundary of

Land at Stonebow Road, Drakes Broughton

Planning Prospects have secured a successful appeal decision following an Informal Hearing for Lone Star Land against the decision of Wychavon District Council to refuse planning permission for a residential development on land at Stonebow Road, Drakes Broughton. The main issue of the appeal was that the location of the greenfield application site was outside of

Market Place, Selby

Planning Prospects have assisted Market Cross Properties (Selby) Ltd in obtaining planning permission and listed building consent for the conversion of first and second floor offices back to their original residential use, supporting the continued active use of the listed building.

Exeter Airport, Clyst Honiton

Planning Prospects have assisted Exeter and Devon Airport Ltd in securing a Lawful Development Certificate to allow an acoustic enclosure that will extend along the northern and eastern boundaries of the existing engine testing pad.  The enclosure will reduce the level of noise emitted from the testing pad, improve the noise environment for the existing

Hackamore Way, Oakham

Planning Prospects have assisted R2 Developments with securing planning permission from Rutland County Council for a change of use to allow an industrial building to be occupied by a gym, a vets practice and a self-storage unit.  The scheme will contribute towards sustainable development objectives, create jobs, bring investment and demonstrate confidence in the local


Planning Prospects acted on behalf of Inverock Ltd to advance an appeal and then provide expert planning evidence at a Hearing determining an appeal against the decision of Blaby District Council to refuse planning permission for strategic employment development at Enderby.  The main issues of the appeal concerned the interpretation and application of Development Plan

Mitchell Road, Corby

Planning Prospects have assisted Copart with securing planning permission from North Northamptonshire Council for an office development on the Rockingham Logistics Hub, which forms part of the wider Rockingham Motor Racing Circuit (MRC) Enterprise Area.  The site will be used by the used and salvage car auction company for storing vehicles and vehicle body parts

Clifton Lane, West Bromwich

Planning Prospects have assisted Alpha (Stonecross) Limited with securing planning permission from Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council for a residential development on the site of the former Stone Cross Neighbourhood Office, Clifton Lane, West Bromwich.  The approved scheme will provide 14 high environmentally performing homes that will positively contribute to the current housing stock within the

Land at Chapel Lane, Enstone

A really pleasing appeal allowed for 8 dwellings at Land at Chapel Lane, Enstone following West Oxfordshire’s refusal to grant outline planning permission contrary to the officer recommendation to approve.  The development was progressed on behalf of a local landowner and will make a positive contribution with some additional housing, open space and parking in