The successful Tata steelworks in Stocksbridge, near Sheffield, is located adjacent to an extensive area of redundant, unsightly and contaminated former steelworks land. When proposals by Stocksbridge Regeneration Company Ltd (Dransfield Properties Ltd / Gallagher Estates) to regenerate this site stalled, Planning Prospects were instructed to take over and advance the application for large scale retail and office led development. Deliverable planning permissions, including through a successful appeal, were secured, to allow an opening in Autumn 2016.
Planning Prospects worked with Stocksbridge Regeneration Company Ltd and Stonebridge Homes to secure further planning permissions for land around the core retail and office element, enabling the comprehensive regeneration of the former steelworks area as a whole. This includes major residential development in a riverside setting, a link road and new junction with Stocksbridge bypass, plus a stock handling warehouse and industrial test centre for Tata.